Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Super Pigs view on weight loss

Well being a pig and all, Super Pig is really against weight loss, so I don't think I will ask her advise on this one.

I, however, am very much for weight loss, for myself anyway. I often look in the mirror and wonder, "What happened?!!!"  I used be so thin, I used to be so young. Who is this person in the mirror. Well time goes on and theres really nothing I can do about the getting old thing. Must put on my big girl (but not as big as they were) panties and deal with it.

I know there's nothing to be done about getting old, but something can be done about losing weight. So one day, I joined Weight Watchers At Work. It was great. This really nice lady named Pat would come to my office. She would weigh me, not so nice, but she would give tips and encourage me and give me coupons. I lost 28lbs!! I was very happy. But...in order for there to be a WW at Work, your group had to have 15 people. How do you ask people to join Weight Watchers? "You know you really should try Weight Watchers." "Have you ever thought about losing weight? Not that you need to or anything." After less then a year, we had to disband.

So what to do. I could always join another WW, they have them all over. But I'm too lazy to drive there. So I decided to join online...not doing too well with that. I gained back almost 3lbs! Oh man!!  No way was I gaining back all that weight!

 A friend on Facebook had told me about a bible study that helped with weight loss. It was free, you did it every day for 60 days online. You were asigned a mentor and had to have an accountability partner. So I signed up. I felt it could be very helpful.

For 30 days I faithfully did my study. Some of it was pretty heavy duty, I would feel exhauted after a lesson. At the end of 30 days they do an evaluation to see how you are doing before going on with the next 30 days. Well I hadn't lost a single pound in the whole 30 days and since I had not lost, they felt I should repeat the first 30 days.. again. Have you ever flunked a bible study?

So now I am back at it with WW. I am tracking my points, exercising, drinking lots of water and I still haven't lot anymore weight. What is it, glued on with super glue or something? Come on already!

But, I will keep at it. My goal is to lose another 10lbs, at least, this year. It's looking impossible right now. You know maybe Super Pig has a point. Is being thin and healthy and looking better really all that great? Hmm.. I'm going to have to think about that.

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