Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Stupid Things

Stupid Things

Sometimes I do stupid things,
I know better, usually,
Because in my head a bell rings,

A little voice saying, "Don't do that!"
But, you know, I do it anyway.
Sometimes I wish someone had sat,

On me when I didn't listen to that voice.
Sometime it's not so little.
I know I didn't have to, I had a choice.

But we humans can be so dumb,
And if I want to do something,
I tune out the voice, make myself numb.

Then I'll say, "How come I'm in this mess,
I don't deserve it!"
But I know I do and I must confess,

I want someone else to take the blame,
I think, "It's not my fault!"
But deep down inside I feel the shame,

Of doing what I shouldn't do.
And I bet,
Sometimes you feel it too.

I wrote this poem after doing several stupid, unChrist like things. That little voice said, "Don't do that, don't say that, don't post that!" But did I listen? NO, of course not.

Now I have damaged my witness. I'm very grateful God forgives, but people aren't so forgiving and they have long memories. 

I had to block people on twitter because they were real unhappy about something I said, which I didn't even think about and had no idea it would get such a reaction. Gay people are so sensitive! I hadn't thought a thing of it and the other day I check my twitter responses and saw all these unhappy people. I couldn't even remember what I had said, and I assure you it was not directed at anyone and not intended to be offencive in anyway. But it got swift reaction, gay supporters don't mess around, let me tell you. So I thought it prudent to block them so they couldn't continue to harass me.

I don't mean or think we shouldn't stand up for what we believe in though.

Anyway I got into trouble several times this week and felt very defeated for a day, but I got over it. I do hope people will forgive and come to see how wonderful I really am.  =} But most of all I hope I learned a good lesson to think, to remember I may be the only Jesus some people see and act accordingly.

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