Monday, May 27, 2013

A New Book Coming Soon To An Online Store Near You.

I'll soon be a published author again. I have submitted my book, "Izabella's Christmas Dream" to the publishers and hope it will be out by June!

I'm am so excited! I also hope to have the rewritten and republished Super Pig book out by July and my third out by Nov. Not sure about the last as it will need all new artwork and that takes more time, but hoping for the best.

The first SP book will be 8 rewritten stories from my first two book, The Adventures of Super Pig and Super Pig to the Rescue.

I have changed the stories, some just a bit and some a lot. I am having a hard time coming us with a name for this book so if you have any ideas for a title, send them to me.

Thanks so much for being such great fans. Super Pig would be nothing without you and my illustrator Don Cononge, who does all the great artwork and formatting.

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