Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Another Book In The Works

I'm excited to write that there is finally a Super Pig book in the works. I had hoped to have one out last year, but with the illness and death of my younger sister Sherry, it had to be postponed.

In some ways the postponement was a good thing as my publisher is now having a sale, two books for the price of one. I am republishing some of the stories from the first two books (the publisher went bankrupt so those books are no longer available for purchase)  and a book with all new stories.

I will keep you updated on the progress as I know you are all just dying to get your hands on a new book.

Many if you know I have joined a writing site where I can post all my work and get feedback and reviews on them. This has been so helpful and I'm hoping my writing has improved greatly. I get mostly good feedback, which is very encouraging. The reviews really enjoy the stories too, so I'm hoping the parent
who often has to read the same story over and over will enjoy it too.

The writing site is called Fanstory so if you any of you are interested in posting your work and getting helpful feedback I would recommend it. I have found there are many Christians on the site and many are popular among the membership so they are getting read by many and being a witness.

I have gotten to know a few of the members and some have the most tragic life stories. I am amazed they are able to function at all let alone write the amazing stories they do. They use their life experience to fuel their passion for writing, some have become Christians and many do acknowledge that God has a part in their lives. It is interesting to say the least.

Some have physical handicaps, one is almost blind, but is one of the top writers and reviews for the site. She has gotten to know and fall in love with another writer on the site and they now plan a life together. Another couple met on the site and have since married, and I don't doubt there are many others. It is a fun and interesting community.

I try to be a witness and an encouragement on the site. I hope I'm doing that. I pray for many of the fellow writers as I hear their life stories or an illness or just troubles they have.

I have gotten to read some of the best books on the site. There are many amazing writers and it has been fun to get to preview their work before they publish.

Anyway, stay tuned to this channel to hear more exciting announcements about the next book.

God Bless, Roxanna

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