Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

I'll be 54 in just a few short day.
54!!! How did I ever get to be so old?

 Remember when you thought 25 was really old? I use to think people my age were dead. When I heard someone 50 had died, I'd think, well they lived a good long life. Now I think, Good grief, they were just a child!

The older you get the younger every age seems. 60, they're still a young whipper snapper. 70, that's nothing, still lots of life left in the old girl. 80, may need to slow down just a bit, 90, well okay 90 is old, but you really are as young as you feel and for all you young'ens out there thinking, "I hope I'm dead before I hit 50", you'll be surprised at how young you feel.

I remember my mom saying, My outside looks old, but inside I still feel like a young girl. It made me realize that your insides, your soul, your spirit, really never grows old.

I hope I am aging gracefully. I'm sure all my friends would agree that I have just the right mix of maturity and child left in me. Right guys? Well maybe just a bit more child then maturity. But I still feel young! When I walk passed a mirror in a department store, I always think, who's that old lady wearing my clothes? It is always a shock to realize I'm the little old gray haired lady.

I've thought about plastic surgery. You know, get one of those "life style lifts." Takes about an hour, takes off 20 years, and you can go back to work the same day. (that's what they say in the infomercial) Wouldn't that be fun. Go out to lunch and come back a whole new person. People wouldn't recognize you, or they'd be trying to figure out what was different. "Have you lost weight? Did you get a new hair-do? Did you get a life style lift over lunch?"

But instead maybe I should just eat right, drink plenty of water and get lots of exercise.

Naaaa! I'd rather hang out with my friends,
Maybe take a dance class or two,
or perhaps an art class, 

or maybe just hang out alone, now and then, contemplating life.

Whatever comes I hope I'm up for it. I hope I can grow old without getting old. I kind of hope I'll always be a bit crazy and make people laugh.

Most of all I hope I'll be what God wants me to be. His opinion is really the only one that matters. I hope I'll grow old while growing in the Lord.

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