Friday, July 1, 2011

I've been working how long?!! (part 1)

Are you sure about that number?
This year makes 35 years I have been working for Wycliffe. I have been working longer then most of my co-workers have been alive. Kinda depressing huh?

But I'm glad I have all these years at Wycliffe. How many people can say their job counts for all eternity? Countless people have the bible in their own language because of the work Wycliffe does. I will see people from every tribe and every nation in heaven because of bible translation.

 I'm also very glad I work at Wycliffe after hearing the horror stories my brother and his wife tell of working for the government. They both work at the Marine Base in Barstow CA. My sister-in-law, Conni, has a very high position, and is pretty much the only one who works in her dept. One thing about the government, they don't fire anyone, no matter how incompetent. I guess we already knew that. My brother, Tim, has even had his life threatened by one of his co-worker. His boss sent him to Anger Management. Gee, thanks. That will keep my brother safe.

My sweet, young co-workers (from left to right) Latricia, Krystle and Erica,
who were not yet born when I began work at Wycliffe.
Now let me tell you about my co-worker. So far no one has threatened my life and if you know me, you know that is quite an accomplishment. In fact it is quite the opposite. My co-workers give me life. They make each day fun. They are dedicated to the work and to the Lord, I'm the only lazy one in the bunch.  They are kind and giving, several are good bakers, a valued talent in this department. They are good moms and good friends.

The three pictured above are very fun to work with. I am proud to call them my friends. They will have 12 children between them (Latricia is expecting #7). They work hard all day then have to work hard all evening. I have met all their kids and love them. They are all three wonderful moms.

Ruthie the birthday girl.

This is my co-worker Ruth. Ruth is a hoot. She has more shoes then Emelda Marcos and a killer wardrobe. I look homeless next to her. Ruth just had a birthday and as you can see she is holding a balloon that says, "another year of FABULOUS". It's the perfect balloon for Ruth. Ruth is very entertaining. Almost everyday she regales us with stories about some adventure she has had. Ruth has been all over the world and knows many famous people, well she knows me anyway. Ruth works in our Electronic Fund Transfer Dept. which means donations are transferred  from donors checking or saving accounts. (Hum, I'm beginning to wonder about all those shoes.)

Meet Mother Theresa. Theresa is the guardian of the Receipts Department. Nothing gets passed her, she sees all. She's got good eyes, great hearing, a quick mind and a huge heart. She's a hard worker, starting her day at 3:30am (is that day?) so she can be to work before 6. She and her sweet husband Willy 
Mother Theresa keeping  an eye on me
also work hard in their church and have a ministry with the elderly, (and anyone else in need). Theresa spends many evenings at the hospital 

She's also one of our bakers, one of the main reason she's was hired. She is a great mom with kids all over the country, several in the military, and is grandmother to something like 23 grand kids. (Why isn't this woman laying down?)

Meet Julia. Julia also works in Electronic Fund Transfers. She thinks Ruth is her asst., but we all know better. Julia is every ones best friend. She is fun, a hard worker and a great mom to her beautiful daughter Helen. Helen was just 8 when Julia began working at Wycliffe. Now she is all growed up and married. Julia also occasionally  wears two different shoes.

Julia hard at work on EFT

Julia's shoes


Stay tuned for part 2 of the exciting adventures of my co-workers!


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